Small Penis Syndrome

Small Penis Syndrome

Small penis syndrome is a condition in which a man is unduly worried about his penis being too small. It is a psychiatric condition more to do with anxiety rather than anything to do with the actual size of the penis. Micropenis, on the other hand, is a medical condition in which the size of the penis is much smaller than the actual size. It is a congenital condition which may or may not have psychological implications on the patient.


Penile Size ImageAverage Size of Penis

Several studies have been carried out to find the normal size of the penis. Most of these studies have come up with similar results. According to them, an average penis measures between 5.5 to 6.2 inches in length in an erect state. During erection, its diameter is between 4.7 and 5.1 inches at mid-shaft.

In case of a micropenis, the length of the penis is less than 2.75 inches during a full erection.


Prevalence of Small Penis Syndrome

According to a research, as many as 45% men are believed to suffer from small penis syndrome. The research was one of the largest of its kind dealing with around 50,000 heterosexual men. It was carried out by Kevan R. Wylie from Royal Hallemshire Hospital, along with Ian Eardley from St. James Hospital at Leeds, England. Both the doctors are urologists by profession.


For most women, the Length of Penis is Unimportant

In their research, Wylie and Eardley found that 80% of the women were satisfied with their partner’s penis size. While judging a man’s attractiveness, the size of his penis is of hardly any importance for women. 90% women prefer a wider penis to a longer one. But somehow, many men feel that they would be considered desirable by women only if they have a longer penis.


Men Are Obsessed With the Size of Their Organ

Reasons For Penile Enhancement

In what can be an eye- opener, the researchers found that compared to men with micropenis, it is the men with average sized penis that are more likely to suffer from small penis syndrome.

It has been seen that comparing the size of their organs in their childhood and erotic imagery are the two main reasons behind the development of small penis syndrome. Men suffering from this condition have a low self-esteem and feel embarrassed in the company of women. The anxiety takes a heavy toll and they are likely to go into depression. Moreover, undue worry about the size of their penis may have a huge impact on their sex life. It may lead to under-performance in bed and even erectile dysfunction.


Treatment of Small Penis Syndrome

Considering the widespread nature of the condition and the impact it has on the self-confidence of men, small penis syndrome should be taken seriously. The patient should undergo a thorough urological and psychological evaluation.

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