Penis Deformities Penis Anomalies
Conditions associated with congenital abnormalities of the urethra or penis
Penis deformities and anomalies may be caused by conditions associated with congenital abnormalities of the urethra or penis. Other conditions, such as penile trauma, penile cancer and corporal fibrosis, can also lead to penis deformities and anomalies. In cases of gender reassignment, as well as unsuccessful penile enlargement operations conducted by other physicians, cosmetic and functional deformities may occur.

Penis Deformities Causes
Penile duplication (diphallia)
Glans trauma
Penile agenesis (aphallia): congenital absence of the penis
Microphallus (micropenis): normally formed, but abnormally short penis
Penile torsion: counterclockwise left sided penile twisting
Lateral penile curvature: one sided hypertrophy of fibrous tissue, penile torsion, Peyronie’s Disease
Penoscrotal transposition: reversed penile and scrotal positions
Webbed: web or fold of scrotal skin obscures the penoscrotal angle
Buried penis: penis is buried in a fold of skin and/or suprapubic fat
Phimosis / Paraphimosis: tight foreskin
Lesions on the penis: HPV, cancer, etc.
Megaprepuce: extensive foreskin, resulting in a buried penis within the prepuce

Penis Deformities Treatment
Each condition warrants an individual assessment and treatment plan, which will be made upon a personal consultation with Dr. Elist.