Prostate Cancer Management with Minimal Damage to Healthy Cells


Prostate Cancer Management with Minimal Damage to Healthy Cells According to Victoria Lambert, the treatment of prostate cancer has various side effects and complications that can adversely impact the quality of your life. What is Prostate cancer? Prostate gland is male reproductive organ that produces seminal fluid which helps in the nourishment and transportation of [...]

Prostate Cancer Management with Minimal Damage to Healthy Cells2018-08-01T14:18:29-07:00

Does Shellfish Intake Lead To Endometrial Carcinoma?


Does Shellfish Intake Lead To Endometrial Carcinoma? What is Endometrial Carcinoma? Endometrial carcinoma is the cancer of endometrium, the inner lining of female uterus. Endometrial cancer, also known as corpus cancer or corpus uterine cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. The pathophysiology revolves around uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the [...]

Does Shellfish Intake Lead To Endometrial Carcinoma?2018-08-01T14:17:43-07:00

Congenital Penile Curvature


Congenital Penile Curvature Congenital penile curvature as the name indicates, refers to malformation disorder of penis at birth. It is a rare condition and should be differentiated from Peyronie’s disease, which is an acquired disorder of penile curvature caused by build up of fibrous or scar tissue in the cavernous tissue. Congenital penile curvature is [...]

Congenital Penile Curvature2018-08-01T13:22:31-07:00

Sperm Killers – Myths and Facts


Sperm Killers – Myths and Facts Want to have children but unable to make her pregnant??? Why are you finding it difficult to conceive? What things are impacting your chances of becoming a father?? The answer to these questions is very important for couples who are trying to conceive a baby for a long period [...]

Sperm Killers – Myths and Facts2018-08-01T13:25:54-07:00

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation


The Effects of Sleep Deprivation Are you experiencing difficulty in falling or staying asleep? Are you getting sick and tired of spending sleepless nights?? Are you looking to find relief from the negative consequences of inadequate sleep? Do you experience tiredness, difficulty in concentrating, mood swings, crankiness after a sleepless night? If answer to all [...]

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation2018-08-01T13:28:06-07:00

Is Respiratory Diseases in Men growing?


Is Respiratory Diseases in Men growing? It may seem surprising but latest statistics indicates that American women at an average, lives 5 years longer than American men. Part of this According to the latest data reported by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is true that life expectancy is lower in men versus women [...]

Is Respiratory Diseases in Men growing?2018-07-26T21:08:43-07:00

The Consequences Of Delaying Ejaculation


The Consequences Of Delaying Ejaculation Did you know that intentionally or unintentionally delaying ejaculation can reduce the chance of achieving orgasm by 80%?  Healthcare providers believe that delayed ejaculation can cause deleterious effects on your overall wellness as well as sexual health in the long term. Although, delayed ejaculation (also sometimes referred to as impaired [...]

The Consequences Of Delaying Ejaculation2018-07-26T21:03:19-07:00

Treating Prostate Cancer with Radiotherapy


Treating Prostate Cancer with Radiotherapy Prostate cancer refers to uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the prostate gland. Prostate gland is male reproductive organ that is anatomically located just below the bladder and helps in the production of semen that carries and transport the sperms into the female genital tract. Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy is a form [...]

Treating Prostate Cancer with Radiotherapy2018-07-26T20:50:01-07:00

Stages Of Prostate Cancer


Stages Of Prostate Cancer The prognosis and outcome of cancers depends largely on the aggressiveness of tumor and extent of tissue involvement. The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) has devised a system to identify the aggressiveness of various cancers. This classification system is universal and helps in informing healthcare providers across the globe regarding [...]

Stages Of Prostate Cancer2018-07-24T12:09:11-07:00