Elist Clinic

The Risks and Transmission Probabilities of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STD Transmission Image

The Risks and Transmission Probabilities of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Anybody who lives a sexually active life runs the risk of being affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The risk is especially high as a person who is suffering from a STD may or may not display any symptoms of the disease. The symptoms of STD may not appear for many weeks or even months after being affected. In case of HIV, this period may extend to as much as 15 years. So, many a times, the person may not be aware of his condition and unknowingly transmit the disease to his sexual partners.


Factors that May Increase the Risk of Being Affected by a STD

Although any person who is sexually active runs some risk of being exposed to a STD, the risk increases many times in certain cases. These are:



“Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Female Adolescents Aged 14 to 19 in the United States,” by Sara E. Forhan, Lauri E. Markowitz, et all. Published in the December 2009 issue of the journal Pediatrics, accessed on May 8, 2014, retrieved from: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/6/1505.full


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