Elist Clinic

Erectile Tissues in Women

The function and location of erectile tissue are different for men and women, which indicates their unique roles for each sex. Today we're highlighting the erectile tissues in women. Sorry men! 

Erectile Tissues In Women

Erectile tissue is one of the most important aspects of sexual intercourse. The tissues, or vascular spaces, quickly fill with blood once the human is aroused, leading to an erect penis for men and sexual arousal for women. The function and location of erectile tissue are different for men and women, which indicates their unique roles for each sex. Today we’re highlighting the erectile tissues in women. Sorry men!

The Difference

For the male body, erectile tissue can be found in the penis as the corpora cavernosa. When this tissue is engorged with blood, the entire penis becomes erect and hard. For the female body, these tissues are located in the clitoris and bulbs of the vestibule. The equivalent tissue for females in these areas is called the corpus cavernosum clitoridis.

The Function of the Clitoris

The clitoris has multiple, important parts. It has two forms of tissue that work similar to those in the male penis: vestibular bulbs and a sponge. The bulbs are around the urethra and the sponge surrounds this area of the female. When sexually aroused, the erectile tissues are filled with blood, resulting in an erection of the clitoris. Once this occurs, the vulva begins to swell and shackle in an outward direction.

Also, just as important is the connective tissue, or septa. These tissues enclose and turn into smaller units by separating. Moreover, the clitoris is also lined with endothelium. When sexual arousal occurs, this line of thin cells reduces the instability of the blood flow, which allows for the blood to travel further.


Many people inaccurately believe that erectile tissue only exists on the male body. However, these tissues not only exist on female genitalia, but can also be found on the ears. Without erectile tissues, sexual arousal would be hampered, which negatively affects sexual intercourse and conception.

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