Circumcision Advantages and Disadvantages

Lets Talk About Circumcision

The issue of circumcision is discussed within cultural and religious circles, with many having very distinct opinions on the topic. While debating circumcision, it is important to understand the potential advantages and disadvantages with circumcising male babies.


The advantages of circumcising boys after they are born include its effect on hygiene and preventing diseases. The hygienic advantages are related to the lowered risk of contracting urinary tract infections (UTI) of the urethra or bladder. It can also prevent the possible infection of sexually transmitted diseases. These include infections like HIV, or on a larger level, cancer of the penis.

While considering these advantages, many individuals and medical professionals argue that not only are these supposed advantages providing no substantial benefits in relation to the procedure, circumcision is also associated with genuine disadvantages.


The disadvantages include reduced sensitivity and harmful complications of the procedure itself. An uncircumcised penis is considered by some men to be more sensitive than a circumcised one. A disadvantage many speak of is reduced sexual pleasure; however, recent studies have proved this to be a misconception. Furthermore, the associated complications of the procedure are bruising, post-operative infection, excessive bleeding, pain, and wound healing problems.


Beyond concrete advantages and disadvantages, there is an associated ethical dilemma. Many argue that if parents want circumcision performed on their newborn children, they are violating their child’s right to consent. Baby boys cannot consent to being circumcised as they are not old enough to understand the possible benefits and risks of the procedure, and whether or not circumcision will align with their future values.

Interested in Adult Circumcison? Perhaps look into our content pages or visit Dr. Elist for more information.

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